Are There Safe Alternatives to Steroids?

Why Is It So Difficult To Pack On Muscle Naturally?

The primary reason is when you train intensely enough to stimulate growth, you're also saturating your system with CORTISOL.

Cortisol is an overpowering catabolic protein that literally 'eats' lean muscle tissue while preventing bodyfat metabolism -- you might say it ranks right up there with binge drinking, smoking cigarettes, and eating sugar in terms of the damage it wreaks to your efforts to get lean and muscular:

1) Recent studies have shown a direct correlation between high cortisol levels and abdominal bodyfat distribution. It literally prevents the release of fatty acids in your abdominal region, increasing lipid storage in this area.

2) Just as disturbing, research shows cortisol literally prevents rapid muscle growth from happening after you train due to its 'catabolic' (muscle-eating) effects . It makes the gains from intense workouts few and far between. In fact, every time you encounter stress of any kind, your body's "fight or flight" responses kick in, pumping out cortisol -- smothering muscle growth and bodyfat oxidation. It's like throwing a wet blanket on a raging campfire.

No wonder you have such a hard time getting lean and gaining muscle: Your workout stimulates; then cortisol annihilates. Let's look at the facts...

  • FACT: Muscle grows more rapidly in laboratory settings when cortisol is low or absent.
  • FACT: The most effective muscle-building pharmaceuticals (i.e., 'roids) minimize the catabolic effects of cortisol, which is why they increase nitrogen retention and so many athletes resort to these compounds to make faster progress. Unfortunately, engaging in such "pharmaceutical indiscretions" is rife with deleterious side effects.  That is why sports scientists have been searching for natural substances which mimic the anti-catabolic effects of these bodybuilding pharmaceuticals. They know  this will allow athletes to create the lab environment of very low cortisol -- making extreme, rapid muscle growth a reality, safely and naturally.
  • FACT: In clinical research, Conjugated Linoleic Acids (particularly the cis-9,trans-11 isomer) has been shown huge promise for their cortisol-blunting effects -- literally releasing the cortisol stranglehold and turbocharging your anabolic receptors.

A True Alternative to Bodybuilding Pharmaceuticals to Help You Get Leaner and Finally Reach Your True Muscle-Growth Potential...

Armed with a basic understanding of how steroids really work to increase muscle growth, it's easy to see why supplements like creatinenitric oxide boosters, and even whey and casein protein powders have their limitations -- they do little if anything to address the cortisol issue.

This is why our products like C9-T11 2.0 Anti-Catabolic Complex have become a national bestsellers: It's a true "alternative" to bodybuilding pharmaceuticals because it DOES address the cortisol issue.

C9-T11 2.0 -- providing high-dosages of pharmaceutical-grade Conjugated Linoleic Acids (including the active cis-9,trans-11 isomer) -- has been clinically shown to suppress cortisol, disarming the catabolic bomb and supercharging the anabolic, hypertrophic response mechanisms.

So much so, in fact, that one new university study showed an average 1" reduction in waist circumference in just 28 days; while a separate study showed a 600% increase in lean muscle mass over 7 weeks in supplementing athletes vs. those taking a placebo.

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